Can I send end-users/banks to Silver Bullet to buy, download or install Ranger?

Can I send end-users/banks to Silver Bullet to buy, download or install Ranger?

Ranger is purchased and installed as part of a larger check processing software's system.

End users should not be directed to Silver Bullet to buy, download or install Ranger.  

There are several reasons for this including:
  • The version of Ranger being installed by a end-user may not be the same version that the deposit application was certified with.  Although compatibility problems are rare when using Ranger, this exposes the end user, the software vendor, and Silver Bullet to the additional risk of dealing with mismatched versions.
  • Most end-users don't know what Ranger is.  This causes confusion on the end-user's part and delays the resolution of their issue.

Look at it this way:  It wouldn't be right for a car manufacturer to say to a customer, "Here is everything you need to use your new car except the motor.  Go buy the motor from Silver Bullet and install it yourself."  Like a car, software applications should be sold and shipped with everything they need to operate.

Ranger® - The universal check scanner interface
Copyright © 2023 Silver Bullet Technology

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