Can you provide a Ranger portability overview?

Can you provide a Ranger portability overview?

Ranger provides a common ActiveX control interface for all scanners that we support.  


After the scanner powers up, Ranger creates an INI file that describes the features of the attached check scanner.  For example, the file contains the scanner make, model, serial number, low-level API version, number of pockets, number of print lines, image types, OCR fonts, and so on.

Your application can enable features, such as printing or color imaging, by setting values in Ranger's options INI file.

Once you know the capabilities of a scanner you can make the Ranger function calls that make sense, such at SetEndorseText() or GetImageAddress().  If a feature is not present, or your application had not enabled the feature, then Ranger will ignore your request and return a value that indicates that the request was ignored.

If you application is written properly, it should plug-and-play with most check scanners without any changes.  There are a few oddball scanners that have significant limitations that you may need to make slight modifications in order to support some features.

Ranger installs all of the lower-level device drivers and API files needed to support a particular scanner.  If we were to include all of the API files for all scanners then Ranger would be very very large, too large to use.  Therefore we sell and configure Ranger based on the particular scanner make and model.

Since hundreds of applications are using Ranger, and we have sold over 100,000 copies, you can feel confident that the Ranger is both reliable and easy to use.

Ranger also comes with IQA (Image Quality Analysis) at no cost.

Ranger® - The universal check scanner interface
Copyright © 2023 Silver Bullet Technology

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