GetUniqueOptionsSupported() example

GetUniqueOptionsSupported() example

  1. bool PluginMain::GetUniqueOptionsSupported(CString DeviceId, CString & XML)
  2. {
  3.   PluginCallLogger LogCall("PluginMain::GetUniqueOptionsSupported(\"%s\", ...)", (LPCSTR)DeviceId);
  4.     //if our base class is not happy with this call...
  5.   if (PluginBase::GetUniqueOptionsSupported(DeviceId, XML) != true) 
  6.     return false;

  7.   XmlFileInfo XmlWriter;
  8.   CString XmlPathTop;
  9.   CString XmlSectionPath;   
  10.   CString XmlValuePath;   
  12.   XmlWriter.Clear();  //clear values
  13.   XmlWriter.AddContainer("/UniqueOptions", XmlPathTop);
  15.   XmlWriter.AddContainer(XmlPathTop + "/Imaging", XmlSectionPath);        //add image option section
  17.   XmlWriter.AddContainer(XmlSectionPath + "/GrayscaleAndColorResolution", XmlValuePath);    //value name
  18.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "DisplayName", "Grayscale/Color Resolution"); 
  19.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "ValueType", "List"); 
  20.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "Values", "100,200,240,300");
  21.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "DefaultValue", "100");   //the default resolution for grayscale and color images should be 100 dpi
  22.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "Help", "Resolution for both grayscale and color images in dots per inch."); 
  23.   XmlWriter.AddContainer(XmlSectionPath + "/Brightness", XmlValuePath);    //value name
  24.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "DisplayName", "Image Brightness"); 
  25.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "ValueType", "Range"); 
  26.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "Values", "0-255,1");  //0 to 255, increment = 1
  27.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "DefaultValue", "128");
  28.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "Help", "Brightness of the image. Higher values make the image lighter."); 
  30.   XmlWriter.AddContainer(XmlSectionPath + "/FrontJpegQuality", XmlValuePath);    //value name
  31.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "DisplayName", "Front JPEG Quality"); 
  32.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "ValueType", "Range"); 
  33.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "Values", "5-95,1");  //5 to 95, increment = 1
  34.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "DefaultValue", "75");
  35.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "Help", "Higher values yield a higher image quality."); 
  37.   XmlWriter.AddContainer(XmlSectionPath + "/RearJpegQuality", XmlValuePath);    //value name
  38.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "DisplayName", "Rear JPEG Quality"); 
  39.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "ValueType", "Range"); 
  40.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "Values", "5-95,1");  //5 to 95, increment = 1
  41.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "DefaultValue", "75");
  42.   XmlWriter.AddValue(XmlValuePath, "Help", "Higher values yield a higher image quality.");   
  44.   XmlWriter.Write(XML);
  45.   return true;
  46. }

Ranger® - The universal check scanner interface
Copyright © 2023 Silver Bullet Technology

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