How can I endorse text on items?

How can I endorse text on items?

The general approach is the following:

1. Check that the endorser is present in the "TransportInfo.ini" file. If the feature is not present then endorsing is not possible.

Example of TransportInfo.ini:
  1. [General]
  2. RearEndorserPresent = true
  3. [RearEndorser]
  4. MaxLines = 4
  5. PhysicalPrinterPresent = true

2. Enable the endorser in the GenericOptions.ini
Example of GenericOptions.ini:
  1. [OptionalDevices]
  2. NeedRearEndorser = true

3. Call SetEndorseText or SetFixedEndorseText as needed after the TransportReadyToFeed state.  

The abilities of the scanner may limit when the endorsing can be set or updated.  We recommend using the the TransportReadyToSetEndorsement event which will provide the application more information on what type of endorsing abilities the scanner is capable of with the current options.

See section TransportReadyToSetEndorsement in the Ranger API guide for more information.  If the endorsement mode is other than EndorseModeCurrentItem then SetFixedEndorseText should be used.

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