How can I make the Canon CR-190i out-sort items with MICR reject characters?

How can I make the Canon CR-190i out-sort items with MICR reject characters?

You'll need to set the UseCouponSorting option in the driver options file, CR190iOptions.ini:

1. Ensure that the scanner is configured for Scanner Sorting mode. In CR190iOptions.ini set the following:
  1. [General]
  2. SortBy=Scanner
The application can set the value programmatically by calling Ranger's SetDriverOption() method, like this:
Ranger.SetDriverOption("General", "SortBy", "Scanner");
2. Enable Coupon Sorting and specify the pocket. In the [Driver]Options.ini file (usually CR190iOptions.ini) set the following:
  1. [General]
  2. UseCouponSorting=[1|2]
  1. Where 1 or 2 specifies the target pocket for the items with no MICR or MICR containing reject characters.
The application can set the value programmatically by calling Ranger's SetDriverOption() method, like this:
Ranger.SetDriverOption("General", "UseCouponSorting","n");
3. Ensure the designated Default Pocket is different than the designated Coupon Sorting pocket. In the [Driver]Options.ini file (usually CR190iOptions.ini) set the following:
  1. [General]
  2. DefaultPocket=[n]
  1. Where n is either 1 or 2 AND n is different than the pocket number specified in step 2) above.
The application can set the value programmatically by calling Ranger's SetDriverOption() method, like this:
Ranger.SetDriverOption("General", "DefaultPocket", "n");
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