How can I read MICR from checks printed with an inkjet or laser printer?

How can I read MICR from checks printed with an inkjet or laser printer?

Many check scanners have the ability to read MICR optically in addition to reading checks magnetically. Applications that use this Optical Character Recognition (OCR) feature can read MICR from checks printed with inkjet and laser printers.
  1. If you're using a scanning application provided by another company, ask your software vendor's support team if your application has an option that will enable reading MICR from checks using the scanner's OCR feature.
  2. If you're writing a check scanning application, then instruct the scanner to read the MICR line using OCR.  
    1. See this tutorial for details: How do I setup Ranger's OCR parameters?

Ranger® - The universal check scanner interface
Copyright © 2023 Silver Bullet Technology

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