This only works for versions of Ranger 4.5 and above. For 4.4 and
lower, please utilize the instructions in the next section.
Capture the behavior in question:
1. Start SBT Log Viewer. This can be done a number of ways:
a. Start Menu -> All Programs -> Silver Bullet Technology -> SBT Log Viewer
b. Windows 8 or 10: Start Menu -> Type "SBT Log Viewer" then click on "SBT Log Viewer"
c. Navigate to "\Program Files(x86)\Silver Bullet Technology\Logging\" and double-click "SBT Log Viewer.exe".
2. (Optional) Click 'Clear' button to erase the old log.
If the issue is easily reproducible, clearing the log will help Ranger Technical Support in log review3. Start the Ranger-based program where you are experiencing the issue.
4. Reproduce the issue/behavior in question.
5. In SBT Log Viewer press the "Refresh" button.
Steps to send a log to Silver Bullet:
1. In SBT Log Viewer, select "File -> Zip All Logs" menu option.
2. Save the zip file to a location that is accessible.
a. Your Name, Your Company Name, and the Name of your Software Vendor.
b. The zip file generated in the previous block.
c. A detailed description of the issue.
d. The steps to reproduce the issue.
e. Any other details about the physical scanner or workstation that may have contributed to the issue.
Steps to enable Ranger logging:
1. Exit all Ranger-based programs
2. Exit Bloodhound (if running)
3. Start the "Ranger Log Options Editor" program
(Start - All Programs - Ranger - Tools - Ranger Log Options Editor)
(Start - All Programs - Silver Bullet Technology - Ranger - Tools - Ranger Log Options Editor)
4. Ensure that "Ranger Log Enabled" is checked
5. Click "Default" button
6. Click "OK" button
Capture the behavior in question:
1. Start Bloodhound
(Start - All Programs - Ranger - Tools - Bloodhound)
(Start - All Programs - Silver Bullet Technology - Ranger - Tools - SBT Log Viewer)
2. (Optional) Click 'Clear' button to erase the old log.
3. Start the Ranger-based program.
4. Reproduce the issue/behavior in question.
5. In Bloodhound press the Refresh button
Steps to send a log to Silver Bullet:
1. In Bloodhound, select "File - Save log as" menu option.
2. Save the log file (please do not use a .txt extension).
a. Name, company, location*
b. Ranger log file save above*
c. Detailed description of the issue*
d. Which Ranger call is not working as documented
e. Describe the physical situation that led to the problem
f. GenericOptions.ini and <driver>Options.ini