How do I capture Canon logs on the CR-120/150

The method of enabling Canon logging has changed for the CR-120/150. This method will not work on any other Canon scanners.
In order to capture logs on these scanners, you need to enable an option in the Ranger Canon-CR120CR150.ini file.
You can find this file at this location:
C:\ProgramData\Silver Bullet Technology\Ranger\Scanner Plug-ins\Canon-CR120CR150\Canon-CR120CR150.ini
- Open the Canon-CR120CR150.ini file in a text editor and find the [General] section.
- In the [General] section, set the following options:
- EnableCanonTrace=Directory
- CanonTraceDir=[Your_Directory_Path]
- Be sure to replace [Your_Directory_Path] with the path to the directory you would like the logs to be stored in.
- Make sure that the directory already exists and that you have permission to edit it.
- These options may not be present in the Canon-CR120CR150.ini file by default, so you will need to add them. The options are case sensitive
- Once the options have been enabled in the .ini file, attempt to duplicate the issue. The logs will appear in the directory you specified.
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