How do I enable image file set support?
When Ranger is is in the TransportChangeOptions state call:
- Ranger.SetGenericOption("OptionalDevices", "NeedImaging", "true");
- Ranger.SetGenericOption("OptionalDevices", "NeedFrontImage1", "true");
- Ranger.SetGenericOption("OptionalDevices", "NeedRearImage1", "true");
- Ranger.SetGenericOption("FrontImage1", "StorageFile", "FIM");
- Ranger.SetGenericOption("RearImage1", "StorageFile", "RIM");

default location where image file sets are stored is in "c:\images".
Make sure that the folder "c:\images" exists and that all users have
access to it.
You can change the folder where Ranger stores image file
sets by making the following calling when Ranger is in the
TransportChangeOptions state:
- Ranger.SetGenericOption("Imaging", "RootCaptureDirectory", "<your\directory\path>");
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