How do I get OCR and image data for pocket and print decisions and on the VX P?

The following only works with two pocket models or models that have a "reverse gear".
Panini check scanners use snippet areas to get OCR. Setting an OCR area
in the GenericOptions.ini file defines a snippet area. The
GenericOptions "[OcrReader1]" area is the same area as MVXOptions.ini
"[Snippet1]". The "MVXOptions.ini" snippet areas overwrites the
GenericOptions OCR areas.
Snippets must be used to get image or OCR data at SetItemOutput event.
Enable the Snippets
MVXOptions.ini (Driver Options file):
- [Snippets General]
- NeedSnippets=true
Enable the desired Snippet areas
Set the snippets that are to be retrieved before SetItemOutput event
- [Snippet1]
- // Comment out all other settings or they will overwrite the GenericOptions.ini OCR settings. If you want image data and not just OCR you may want to overwrite the settings.
- NeedSnippetForSort=true
- Set the OCR area as desired
- To
get OCR you should be able to request the OCR as normal in the
SetItemOutput event.
- To get images you should use
"GetImageSnippetByteCount" and "GetImageSnippetAddress" pass through
calls in the event as well.
These pass through calls are described in
the "RangerAPIAppendixMVX.doc".
Making these changes may
significantly slow down the scanner and items in the track may be
reverse fed to accomplish the requested operations.
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