How do I signup for the Ranger development kit (SDK)?

How do I signup for the Ranger development kit (SDK)?

In order to download Ranger, as well as to view the Ranger's API documentation and sample code, our non-disclosure agreement (NDA) must be signed.  Once such an agreement has been signed and sent back to us in PDF format, you will be given access to the Ranger development areas of our website at  Once you have access, you can download Ranger for different check scanners as well as sample code and comprehensive documentation.  The sample code and documentation can be found under the "Ranger SDK" link after you login.

If you would like access the Ranger SDK please complete the attached non-disclosure agreement (located under attachments) and have it signed by an officer of your company(VP level or higher) and emailed to us in PDF format at

Please contact with any questions that you may have.

Ranger® - The universal check scanner interface
Copyright © 2023 Silver Bullet Technology

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