Logging Ranger 4.5+ to Disk via INI files

Logging Ranger 4.5+ to Disk via INI files

As of version 4.5, Ranger can log to disk via options set in the 'C:\ProgramData\Silver Bullet Technology\Logging\Ranger\Ranger.ini' file.
In order to enable logging to disk automatically, ensure the following values are set in the Ranger.ini [Logging] section:
  1. AutoLogToDiskEnabled=True
  2. AutoLogToDiskPath=C:\ProgramData\Silver Bullet Technology\Logging\Logs

You can customize 'AutoLogToDiskPath' to the directory of your choice. Log names are auto-generated, based on 'Name' and the date/time.

NOTE: Ranger does NOT manage log files. The log files will continue to accumulate as long as the option's enabled. SBT recommends clearing logs daily.

Ranger® - The universal check scanner interface
Copyright © 2023 Silver Bullet Technology

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