What are the Epson CaptureOne speed modes + features & limitations?

The CaptureOne has two speed modes
Normal Mode (high-speed):
- This is the default mode
- The scanner will send all items to pocket #1.
- If the generic option "NeedFrontStamp" is set to "true" then all items will be stamped, when a stamp/franker is installed.
- This scanner will run slower when the front stamp is enabled.
- Images are not available during Ranger's the SetItemOutput event.
- When
a specific item feed count is requested in the call to StartFeeding(),
Ranger will switch the scanner to slow mode in order to feed the exact
number of items requested.
Slow Mode:
- Enabled by setting the generic option "ImagesNeededToMakePocketDecision" to "true".
- The scanner will run slower in this mode.
- Images are available during Ranger's SetItemOutput event.
- Pockets 1 and 2 can be selected by calling SetTargetLogicalPocket().
- Stamping/franking can be selected on a per-item basis.
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