What is the plug-in certification process?

What is the plug-in certification process?

Since our certification process is evolving, we will not charge you for the first certification.

There are the high-level certification steps:
  1. Send us a scanner to test with.
  2. Email us your plug-in some source code and TransportInfo.ini and PluginName.ini files and installation script source code.  If any corrections are needed, we will email you a list with instructions.  We will repeat this step until there are no obvious things that need to be changed.
  3. Email us an example of each image color type the scanner can provide: black & white, grayscale and color
  4. Send us the compiled installation script for your plug-in.  You will need to create an installation script using our script environment, if you have not already done so.  We can send you sample install scripts, if you need them.
  5. We will test the plug-in installation script to ensure that it installs, uninstalls, and updates an existing installation correctly.
  6. We will run items to ensure that the feeding modes supported by the plug-in work correctly.
  7. We will test setting generic options.  These are options that are common to most scanners.
  8. We will test setting options that are unique to your plug-in.
  9. We will check MICR and OCR results to ensure that the documents are being read correctly.
  10. We will check to make sure that the required image formats and resolutions are supported.
  11. We will determine the level of image Tough-TIFF compliance.  Ranger can automatically correct many TIFF tag problems.
  12. We will test endorsement, stamp and other printer options.
  13. We will test pocket selection.
  14. We will test exception handling by creating as many exception types as we can.
  15. We will review the Ranger log to ensure that the proper amount of plug-in logging is present.
  16. After passing these tests we will need a copy of the final plug-in source code.
  17. We will then be ready to certify & digitally sign the plug-in.
  18. We will create an installation script that will install the core Ranger components and run your plug-in installer as well.
  19. We will then provide you with a beta release installation script that can be used for testing by your potential customer and resellers.
  20. Once they are happy, we will create and announce a production release.
We welcome any suggestions or comments that you may have.

Ranger® - The universal check scanner interface
Copyright © 2023 Silver Bullet Technology

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