Which plug-in methods should have a call to AFX_MANAGE_STATE MFC state macro

Which plug-in methods should have a call to AFX_MANAGE_STATE MFC state macro

This call ensures that the MFC state is correct.  In order to guaruntee interoperabilty between plug-in versions and ranger versions AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) should be called as the first call in any method called by Ranger.

This includes the following methods:
  1. InitializePlugin()
  2. GetPluginDescription()
  3. AreDevicesAttached()
  4. InitializeDevices()
  5. GetDeviceConfiguration()
  6. PrepareToChangeOptions()
  7. EnableOption()
  8. StartFeeding()
  9. ProcessItem()
  10. StopFeeding()
  11. ShutdownPlugin()

Ranger® - The universal check scanner interface
Copyright © 2023 Silver Bullet Technology

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