Why are images not being displayed in the html browser application?
- Set driver options to return specific image formats.
- Not all scanners support different image formats.
- For all driver options available for a scanner using Ranger version 4 and up, see the driver options INI file located at:
- C:\ProgramData\Silver Bullet Technology\Ranger\Scanner Plug-ins\[Scanner Name]
- For all driver options available for a scanner using Ranger version 2, see the INI file located at:
- C:\ProgramData\Silver Bullet Technology\Ranger\[Scanner Name]
2. Convert all images returned to the app from Ranger to a supported image type.

Note: If you're using a SmartSource scanner and your grayscale JPEG formatted images
are still not displaying, it is likely that you are configured to receive TIFF wrapped JPEG (the default).