Why can I not set the output pocket for an item with the TS-4120?

Why can I not set the output pocket for an item with the TS-4120?

The following option must be set to allow the application to set the output pocket:

  1. [Sorting]
  2. SortBy=PC
The application would then need to call SetTargetLogicalPocket in the TransportSetItemOutputevent.

Configuring PC sorting mode on the TS-4120 scanner will cause images to *not* be available upstream (in Ranger'sSetItemOutput event); rather, images will only be available downstream (in Ranger's ItemInPocket event). This is because only MICR is available upstream from the scanner. The scanner provides images downstream, only after the pocket decision has been made (usually in PC sorting mode the pocket decision is made based on the upstream MICR).

Ranger® - The universal check scanner interface
Copyright © 2023 Silver Bullet Technology

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