Why does SetEndorseText() in the SetItemOutput() event fail on the CR-180?
You'll probably notice when you call SetEndorseText() on the CR-180
that it returns false.
When any function in Ranger returns false, you
can always check the Ranger log for a more detailed explanation.

In this
case the log it would contain:
WARNING: This call not supported on this transport.
On the CR-180, by the time the SetItemOutput() event is fired the document is well beyond the inkjet.
For this reason, when endorsing on the CR-180, you must use SetFixedEndorseText()
rather than SetEndorseText(). Call this method (after enabling the rear
endorser and calling EnableOptions() of course) and it will print the
given text on every subsequent document fed. Furthermore,
SetFixedEndorseText() should be called before starting to feed
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