How can I contact Seac Banche tech support?
Seac Banche was acquired by Bancor in 2022 For Seac Banche technical support, use the contact details below. Seac Banche technical support: Email: Portal: Ranger® - The ...
What are the dimensions of the OCR read zone on the Orion?
OCR read zone: Bottom: 1.5 mm Top: 13.5 mm Width: Full length of the document Ranger® - The universal check scanner interface Copyright © 2023 Silver Bullet Technology
How do I use the front stamp on SB1500 and SB1600 transports?
The SB1500 and SB1600 do not have the ability to sense the presence of the front stamp. If your transport has a stamp and you would like to use it, set the FrontStampPresent option under the SB1x00 section in SB1k_Orion_Plugin.ini. [SB1x00] ...
How can I enable/disable the feed button on the SmartSource Pro?
Ranger provides an INI option that you can use to enable and disable the feed button. The option is located in a file called CapiOptions.ini. Where are the Ranger INI files located? Here's the option that you can change: ...
How do I get a Digital Check log with Ranger?
To capture a Ranger for DCC log: DCCOptions.ini OR DigitalCheck-TSSeries.ini (depending on the version) [Misc] DelayTS200=2 Logging must be enabled in the driver options file by using the setting above: Download and run Debug View. The download can ...
How do I get a CTS log?
Create the "ctstrace" folder in the following path: C:\Program Files\Silver Bullet Technology\Ranger\Scanner Plug-ins\[scanner model] Note: "Program Files" becomes "Program Files (x86)" on 64-bit versions of Windows. Be sure to replace [scanner ...
How can I contact CTS tech support?
ARCA announced their acquisition of CTS in 2014. For CTS tech support, use the contact details below. ARCA/CTS technical support: ARCA tech support Live Help Desk Phone: 866-377-2722 Email: Ranger® - The universal check scanner ...