Digital Check Scanners
How can I reduce the number of false double-feeds on a Digital Check TS-Series Scanner?
The Digital Check TS-Series scanners have an option called "DoubleFeedNoStop" which may significantly reduce false double-feed exceptions. When this option is enabled, the scanner will not stop immediately when a the feeder's double-feed detector ...
Switch driver options INI files when using different check scanner models?
Question: Can I switch Ranger driver options files based on the scanner model? I would like to use one file when connected to a Digital Check TS 230 or TS 240 scanner, and a different driver options file when connected to a TS 4120. Answer: "Ranger ...
How do I print a sequence number on checks when using Digital Check scanners?
The TransportReadyToSetEndorsement is the preferred approach to endorsing. Implementing application behavior that is customized based on make, mode etc is no longer recommended. Please refer to the TransportReadyToSetEndorsement section in the Ranger ...
How can I install Ranger for a CheckExpress 30?
Unplug the scanner Install Ranger Connect the scanner power supply and USB cables into the ports on the bottom and route them through one of the channels. Connect the power supply into a power outlet and the USB cable into one of the USB ports on the ...
How can I contact Digital Check tech support?
For Digital Check technical support, use the contact details below. DCC technical support: Phone: 847-446-2285 Email: Ranger® - The universal check scanner interface Copyright © 2023 Silver Bullet Technology
Why can I not set the output pocket for an item with the TS-4120?
The following option must be set to allow the application to set the output pocket: DCCOptions.ini [Sorting] SortBy=PC The application would then need to call SetTargetLogicalPocket in the TransportSetItemOutputevent. Configuring PC sorting mode on ...
How can I enable the DCC API log?
To capture a Digital Check API log: Manually edit the BUICSCAN.INI file and set "Remote Monitor Log=2" Scan items The log should be found in a file called buicapi.txt in the Windows %temp% location Ranger® - The universal check scanner interface ...