RDM Check Scanners
How do I capture RDM logs?
Open the Windows Event Viewer application. Expand the folder named "Applications and Services Logs." Expand the folder named "Microsoft." Right-Click the "RdmCorp" event thread. Select the "Save all events as..." option. Save the file to your ...
"USB device not recognized" message received after installing RDM EC7-Series
This is a known issue with USB on these chipsets. This article by The USB Man explains some possible fixes for the issue. This should only be done with a bank person that truly understands what they are doing as it is a little detailed and if you do ...
How can I contact RDM tech support?
For RDM technical support, use the contact details below. RDM technical support: Phone: 800-567-6227 Option 1, option 2 Email: Hardwaresupport@deluxe.com FAQs: http://www.rdmcorp.com/support/ Ranger® - The universal check scanner interface Copyright ...
How do I endorse based on decisions with the EC9000?
There are two ini file settings that will need to be set in "RDMScanner.ini". To make the scanner run the item to the hold position set the FlowMode to OperatorDecision: [DeviceOptions] FlowMode=OperatorDecision The leading edge of the item has ...
How do I enable the physical endorser with EC9000?
Virtual endorsement has precedence over the physical endorser. In order to ink an item you must turn on the endorser in GenericOptions.ini. // GenericOptions.ini [OptionalDevices] NeedRearEndorser = true You'll also need to make sure virtual ...
How do I print to the receipt printer on an EC7500?
The receipt printer is only available when the scanner is idle. When Ranger is ready to feed, the printer can be used via the pass through method ScannerPrint. const char* msg="Hello World!"; //string to print CString Passthrough; // Formatting the ...