How can I change the ultra-violet image on my SmartSource Pro?
Ranger provides an INI option that you can use to set the preference on
UV image type. The option is located in a file called CapiOptions.ini.
Here's the option that you can change:
- [Image.UV]
- // 9 = CCITT Group 4 Ultraviolet
- // 10 = CCITT Group 4 Ultraviolet Inverted
- // 11 = JPEG Ultraviolet
- // 12 = JPEG Ultraviolet Inverted
- // The default is 10.
In the following example we will set the option to 12 for "JPEG Ultraviolet Inverted".
You can set this value by calling Ranger.SetDriverOption("Image.UV", "COMPRESSIONTYPE", "12");
Ranger reads this option's value when you call Ranger.EnableOptions().
IF you want a higher resolution UV image you can set the following
Setting "TREATSNIPPETASIMAGE=1" will overwrite the [Image.UV]
- // 0 = Disabled
- // 5 = Full Resolution JPEG
- // 15 = Full Resolution JPEG Ultraviolet
- // 16 = Full Resolution JPEG Ultraviolet Inverted
- // The default is 0.
- // 0 = Snippet is obtained via passthrough calls (default).
- // 1 = COMPRESSIONTYPE will determine in
- // which image buffer the snippet will be stored.
- // 5 - Snippet will be stored in GS buffer
- // 15-16 Snippet will be stored in UV buffer.
- // The default is 0.