How can the CR-190i and CR-135i use NextItem or CurrentItem endorsing?

How can the CR-190i and CR-135i use NextItem or CurrentItem endorsing?

The CR-190i and CR-135i use Batch mode endorsing by default. 
They can be set to use NextItem or CurrentItem endorsing by setting up some driver options.
The default driver options file is Canon-CR135iCR190i.ini
By default the driver options are going to be located as described by the following link:

The file can be edited directly, or the settings can be edited programmatically using SetDriverOption()

First, "SortBy" must be set to PC.  This slows down the scanner, but allows more control by the PC.
The file can be edited as follows:
  1. [General]
  2. SortBy=PC
Then, "Dynamic" must be set. 
For NextItem: 
  1. [Endorser]
  2. Dynamic=Workaround
For CurrentItem:
  1. [Endorser]
  2. Dynamic=On

Ranger® - The universal check scanner interface
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